An international and interdisciplinary platform of colour experts
INTERCOLOR is a platform for color research and development, assembling an interdisciplinary group of color experts. These experts not only represent national associations but also work for major players in textile, fashion, design and all fields where colours counts.
INTERCOLOR currently has seventeen member countries in Europe, Asia and America.
Membership of INTERCOLOR is exclusively reserved for non-commercial national organizations, specialized in color coordination in all fields where colours are used and working in that field in their own countries.
Intercolor is a non-profit organisation, funded by annual membership fees and is completely independent.
The management committee is elected every two years.
The current committee members are:
Ms Marie-Louise Rosholm (DCB - Denmark) – President
Ms Suthini Tanangsnakool (InFASH - Thailand) – Vice-President
Mr Olivier Guillemin (CFC - France) – General Secretary
Mr Niels Holger Wien (DMI - Germany) – Previous President
Ms Ornella Bignami (ColorColoris - Italy) – Assessor
History of Intercolor
INTERCOLOR was created in 1963 on the initiative of France, Switzerland and Japan. Their respective representatives, Mr. Fred Carlin, Mr. Milo Legnazzi and Mr. Yasuo Inamura, agreed that fashion color should be discussed internationally and a consensus reached. The first INTERCOLOR session was held in Paris on 9 September 1963, with eleven participating nations.
Over the last 60 years, many countries have joined the organization and some have left, but the network and its activities have continued to develop.

2023 was Intercolor’s 60th Anniversary.

Intercolor's head office has been based in different countries – it was in Austria for over ten years, before moving to Germany and Great Britain. In 2009, after the appointment of Olivier Guillemin (Comite Francais de la Couleur, France) as General Secretary, Intercolor settled in Paris where it started.
For many years the Intercolor meetings were held in Paris to coincide with Expofil, which was at the time three months in advance of Premiere Vision. When it came under the Premiere Vision Pluriel banner, the timing became too late for the Intercolor requirements, so from that time the meetings have been held each time in a different host country.