Who we are

An international and interdisciplinary platform of colour experts


Intercolor is a non-profit organisation, formed in 1963, whose members are an interdisciplinary group of colour experts, representing national associations and consultants working for global players in textiles, fashion and product design.

Intercolor is funded by annual membership fees and is completely independent.

Intercolor provides a platform for those concerned with colour trends to share and celebrate the diversity of colour influences across the globe. It is a unique opportunity to work together to create an international colour card.

Intercolor currently is made up of seventeen member countries across Europe, Asia and America.

Intercolor welcomes more countries to become members, and can give guidance on how to set up their national groups.
National organisations interested in joining apply to the Secretary General. The application is considered by all members at the next General Assembly.

For more information, contact us.

Click on the countries below for more information

  • China Intercolor member


  • Denmark Intercolor member


  • Egypt Intercolor member


  • Finland Intercolor member


  • France Intercolor member


  • Germany Intercolor member


  • Great Britain Intercolor member

    Great Britain

  • Hungary Intercolor member


  • Indonesia Intercolor member


  • Italy Intercolor member


  • Japan Intercolor member


  • Portugal Intercolor member


  • Spain Intercolor member


  • Switzerland Intercolor member


  • Thailand Intercolor member


  • Turkey Intercolor member


  • USA Intercolor member


  • China Intercolor member

    China Fashion & Color Association - CFCA/ China

    Founded in 1982, the China Fashion and Color Association (CFCA) is a national organisation supervised by the China Association for Science & Technology (CAST) and affiliated to the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC).
    The CFCA joined INTERCOLOR in 1983 and in 2004 co-founded the Asian Color Committee with Japan and Korea. In 2007, it won the National Advanced Association award and, in 2010, the CAST gave it the title of National Advanced Social Organization.
    The CFCA aims to be the reference in colour. It acts as a guide for the textile industry and fashion professionals and seeks to raise awareness of colour trends in other sectors - beauty, design, architecture, automobile, decoration, etc.

    Ms. Xia Zhao


  • Denmark Intercolor member

    Danish Color Board - DCB/ Denmark

    Danish Color Board was started in 2016 in Denmark.
    We believe in diversity! That diversity opens your mind and horizon!
    This is why we embrace different branches of designers. Just now we count from product and graphic design, over interior architecture to textiles, wallpaper, shoes and fashion designers in our group. As long as you work with colours on a professional level you are most welcome.
    Our work in the group in based on sharing. The discussion and exchange of thoughts is the core of our group work This is where new ideas arise.
    We are an independent association with a flat structure. We meet twice a year.

    Ms. Marie-Louise Rosholm
    Ms. Dorte Lenau Klint

    Contact: danishcolorboard@gmail.com

    Instagram: DanishColorBoard

  • Egypt Intercolor member

    Cairo Color Council - CCC/ Egypt

    The Cairo Color Council (CCC) is a dynamic association rooted in Egypt, driven by a passionate collective of creative thinkers committed to shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future. At the heart of CCC is a powerful reflection on the present, where members and guests engage in meaningful dialogue about their actions and impact, with the goal of advancing positive change in society, design, and research.

    Ms. Youssre AbdelKader

    Asst. Prof. Walaa Salem

    Assoc. Prof. Thomas Hill

  • Finland Intercolor member

    ICfin RY/ Finland

    Finland joined INTERCOLOR in 1978 through Tekstiilivaltuuskunta, predecessor of the Federation of Finnish Textile and Clothing Industries Finatex. The current representative for Finland ICfin ry was founded in 2004 by a group of professionals working in various fields of design and with a deep connection to the industry and trade. ICfin ry is a non-profit association that promotes colour trends to member firms in textile and fashion, cosmetics and consumer goods, interior and graphic design - all fields where colour plays important role.
    ICfin ry offers firms, organisations and schools numerous tools and activities: monitoring and awareness of international trends adapted to the Scandinavian market, twice-a-year colour forecasts, consultancy and seminars. It also provides trend information to the Finnish media.

    Ms. Tuija Maija Piironen
    Ms. Maija Arela


  • France Intercolor member

    Comité Français de la Couleur - CFC/ France

    The Comité Français de la Couleur has been exploring present and future colours since 1959. At first a non-profit association set up by Fred Carlin for fashion and textile manufacturers, the Comité Français de la Couleur has gradually extended its scope to all consumer and design sectors: design, luxury, gastronomy, etc.
    It aims to change perception of colour and to optimise its role through various activities: preparing seasonal trend ranges, organising conferences or taking part in events that encourage thinking about and reactions to topical themes.
    The Comité Français de la Couleur's members are designers, researchers, style, marketing or communication managers, all leaders in their respective fields. Whether they are free lancers or representatives of large groups, luxury brands, trade fairs, schools and institutions, they make up a hotbed of creators and colour professionals.

    Mr. Olivier Guillemin
    Ms. Suzanne Marest
    Mr. Dominique Cuvillier


  • Germany Intercolor member

    Deutsches Mode Institut - DMI/ Germany

    Initiated in 1927, the Deutsche Mode-Institut (DMI) was founded in the early 1950s by the main representatives of the textile, fashion and interior design sectors.
    The DMI now supplies its 400 member firms with colour and material trend information and sends colour ranges to nearly 2500 subscribers. It also publishes trend books and newsletters with fashion forecasts and sociocultural information.
    The DMI teams regularly organise events, congresses and press and public relations operations to promote and publicise the know-how of German firms.

    Mr. Niels-Holger Wien


  • Great Britain Intercolor member

    British Textile Colour Group - BTCG/ Great Britain

    The British Textile Colour Group (BTCG) was created in London in 1976 to replace the British Colour Council, and the same year joined INTERCOLOR. Fully self-financing, its first members illustrate the strong influence of raw materials and fibre producers at that time, with representatives from the International Wool Secretariat, (now Woolmark), Cotton Council International, Courtaulds, ICI, etc.
    The BTGC is a network for sharing ideas with designers who work with colour in a wide range of sectors: fashion, footwear, sport, automobile, beauty, food, interiors.
    Its twice-yearly meetings are an opportunity to discuss intuitions about trends and colours and to share experiences and 360° views with an international audience.
    The BTCG is an informal creative community which does not publish its work, which explains the deliberate lack of a website and any distribution of colour ranges.

    Ms. Alison Grant
    Ms. Fiona Coleman

  • Hungary Intercolor member

    Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design – MOME/ Hungary

    Hungary has joined Intercolor in 1974. The country was first represented by the Hungarian Fashion Institute (founded in 1951), then between 2004 and 2016 by Bajczár Trend&Design. From 2018 Hungary has been represented by Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME), which is one of the most significant European institutions of visual culture due to its traditions and intellectual background. MOME’s ambition is to further broaden its international relations. It welcomes every professional co-operation which inspires its educational and artistic work. MOME is an intellectual platform with the aim of setting up creative process in order to enhance design consciousness in Hungary.
    The Design Institute of MOME is a vibrant place providing high standard training for its students. It considers equally important to preserve tradition and to integrate the most up-to-date knowledge into its training. Based on its research activity in past and future, it combines innovation and tradition, and through this it brings to life new design and art qualities.

    Ms Annamária Simándi-Kövér
    Ms Zsófia Asegu
    Ms Ildikó Kele


  • Indonesia Intercolor member

    Martha Tilaar Foundation/ Indonesia

    Established more than 35 years ago, The Martha Tilaar Foundation is dedicated to the assistance and development of education, social protection, and environmental empowerment. The Foundation includes an active circle of fashion and beauty creatives from Indonesia, as well as collaborations with government organizations and fashion schools.
    Their Beauty Trend Center is a hub for innovation and creative exchange.

    Ms. Martha Tilaar
    Mr. Kilala Tilaar
    Mr. Hari Samsidin


  • Italy Intercolor member

    Color Coloris - Italian Color Insight/ Italy

    Color Coloris - Italian Color Insight was founded with the name of MIC (Moda Italiana Colore) in 1990 and joined INTERCOLOR in the same year. It is a non-profit association of well-known professionals who share their knowledge on colour concepts and its development in various fields.
    One of its main aims is to forecast colour trends in fashion and in other sectors and products in which colour is key. A collective endeavour bringing together intuitive minds and skills, keeping close watch on market and social changes and identifying new needs and emerging trends. The result of this joint work is a set of colour ambiances and mood pictures expressing Italian culture and style.
    Color Coloris organises workshops and lectures on international colour forecasts and designs and produces theme exhibitions focused on colour.

    Bibi Ronchi - President
    Ornella Bignami - Vice president and General secretary

    Board Members:
    Antonella Bertagnin
    Daniele Aliverti
    Vittorio Giomo


  • Japan Intercolor member

    Japan Fashion Color Association - JAFCA / Japan

    The Japan Fashion Color Association (JAFCA) was founded in 1953 with the motto: «Color Creates Value». Its objectives from the outset have been the study, promotion and enhancement of the impact of colours in all design and manufacturing sectors. JAFCA's members come from various industrial sectors: fashion, technology, automobile, design, decoration, cosmetics, etc.
    It proposes services centred on trends and materials research through consultancy, congresses, national or international events. It has gradually extended its field in response to consumer expectations and cultural factors.

    Ms. Kahoru Ohsawa

    Ms. Tamaki Kondo


  • Portugal Intercolor member

    ANIVEC/APIV/ Portugal

    ANIVEC / APIV has its origins in the tailor's guilds of the middle ages. In 1975, it was transformed into the Industrial Clothing Association, and 1981 into ANIVEC - National Association of Clothing Manufacturers, merging in 2003 with APIV.
    ANIVEC/APIV is the most important organisation representing Portuguese fashion and the clothing sector, with its head office in Porto and an office in Lisbon. It provides services related to trends and design, training, internationalization, labelling, standardization, quality, environment, occupational health and safety, licensing, legal and collective bargaining, economic and statistics.
    It is part of Modatex (Professional training centre for the textile industry). ANIVEC/APIV is an active member of GINETEX - International Association for Textile Care Labelling and IFTF-International Fur Trade Federation, ANIVEC/APIV is an INTERCOLOR member since 1990.

    Ms. Paula Costa
    Mr. Mico Mineiro


  • Spain Intercolor member

    Escola Superior de Disseny - ESDI/ Spain

    The ESDI was created in 1989 by the FUNDIT (Textile Design Foundation), a foundation set up to support the design culture. Associated with Ramon Llull University (URL), it is a leading centre and a reference for the promotion of Spanish design.
    In 1992, ESDi becomes the first centre in Spain in teaching Design university studies awarding the own Degree of Ramon Llull University «Official Undergraduate Degree in Design».
    Since the year 2008-2009 ESDi teaches Official Undergraduate Degree in Design as a centre attached to Ramon Llull University, following the guidelines settled by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In this way, ESDi-URL has become the first Spanish university offering Official Undergraduate Degree in Design in all its itineraries: Graphic, Product, Interior, Fashion, Audiovisual and Multidisciplinary Integration (Design Management).
    One of the school's main aims is to develop an international network of organisations and companies; it has therefore taken part in INTERCOLOR's activities since 2012.

    Ms. Encarna Ruiz Molina
    Mr. Mikki Schindler


  • Switzerland Intercolor member

    reALL/ Switzerland

    reALL is an association with its origins in Switzerland.
    The group members and guests are reflecting on the social NOW and their own DOING in order to advance future ACTION in SOCIETY, DESIGN and RESEARCH as actors, inclusive and sustainable.
    The now independent association emerged out of the Swiss Textile Association - who was one of the founding members of Intercolor in the 1970s.
    The COLLECTIVE acts participative as a momentum of coming together -in which each personality's strengths become visible and can be shared with the group. Only in this way something new can arise. We as a group are convinced that the strength with which a society emerges, creates meaningful forms of cooperation and living together.
    reALL includes following activities: Consulting, Forecast, Research, Design, Lecturing, Interchange

    Ms Evelyne Roth Ledermann
    Ms Anita Michaluszko
    Mr. Moritz Ahrens - Pohle

    Contact reALL: evelyne.roth@rothledermann.ch

  • Thailand Intercolor member

    Thailand Institute of Fashion Research/ Thailand

    Thailand Institute of Fashion Research is a public organisation which was founded in 2008 and joinded INTERCOLOR the same year. Aiming to develop fashion and textile industry in Thailand and ASEAN, inFASH works through research and application of academic knowledge to the industry: an added value which combines science and art, the emotional and the functional.
    Under the contribution from University of Technology Rajamungala Krungthep who supports the institute's resources and its location in central Bangkok which facilitates international relations, inFASH brings together leading manufacturers academics and government organisations.
    InFASH offers extra activities such as trend research with the publication of specialised trend books, education with full training courses and vocational training, personalised consulting for companies, international development.

    Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep
    Mr. Satit Chanjavanakul
    Mr. Tanawat Ruangteprat
    Ms. Suthini Tanangsnakool


  • Turkey Intercolor member

    34Color.IST/ Turkey

    Turkey has been present at INTERCOLOR since 1996 through the TCMA (Turkish Clothing and Manufacturers).
    In 2009, Ümit Ünal and Özlem Süer, fashion designers and «artists» with an international vision, set up their own structure in Istanbul, called 34Color.Ist. Their exchanges with INTERCOLOR have enabled them to develop colour expertise within Turkish companies wanting to keep up with the trends.

    Mr. Ümit Ünal
    Ms. Özlem Süer

  • USA Intercolor member

    Openstreams Foundation / USA

    The Openstreams Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to foster global collaboration, promote awareness of key issues related to the beauty sector, and support educational initiatives.

    Ms. Lan Vu
    Mr. Michael Nolte


What we do

We exchange points of view to offer guidance on international colour trends.


The Intercolor Congress is held twice a year. Each Intercolor member country hosts the meeting in turn and during the meeting, each presents their concepts for the season and their views on changes in colour and lifestyle in general to be used as a basis for trend development. Each member is given a copy of all the national colour proposals.

The discussions and the exchange of concepts and ideas underpin the colours; telling the story and understanding the background are increasingly as significant as the colours themselves.

At the end of a 2-day meeting, the members agree on the Intercolor colours and themes for a season.

So, 24 months ahead of each season (eg May 2018 for Spring-Summer 2020, November 2018 for Autumn-Winter 2020-21), there is an international statement on colour, serving as a source of further development and helping decision making in myriad industries from automotive to cosmetics.